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Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications
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Chair: Kyle Brown, IBM

OOPSLA panels have consistently been among the best-attended and well-received attractions at the conference. They offer an engaging, entertaining, and informative examination of a timely topic from a variety of viewpoints. They also give the OOPSLA community a way to let experts tackle controversial and divisive topics head-on in a fun, interactive way that can shed welcome light on the issues we all must deal with.

Model Driven Architecture: The Realities, A Year Later
Granville Miller (Panel Chair), Scott Ambler, Steve Cook, Karl Frank, Sridhar Iyengar, Jon Kern, Stephen Mellor

Tuesday, 13:30, 1 hour 30 minutes, Meeting Rooms 11-12

The Role of the Customer in Software Development—The XP Customer: Fad or Fashion?
Steven Fraser (Panel Chair), Angela Martin (Co-convener), Robert Biddle, David Hussman, Granville Miller, Mary Poppendieck, Linda Rising, Mark Striebeck

Tuesday, 15:30, 1 hour 30 minutes, Meeting Rooms 11-12

The View: The Ultimate IT Chat
Nicolai Josuttis (Panel Chair), Jutta Eckstein, Lise B. Hvatum, Mary Lynn Manns, Linda Rising, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock

Wednesday, 13:30, 1 hour 30 minutes, Meeting Rooms 11-12

Software Development: Math & Science or Arts & Crafts?
Jim Haungs (Panel Chair), Martin Fowler, Richard Gabriel, Ralph Johnson, Steve McConnell

Wednesday, 15:30, 1 hour 30 minutes, Ballroom C

Challenges in Outsourcing and Global Development: How Will Your Job Change?
Steven Fraser (Panel Chair), Lougie Anderson, Ron Crocker, Martin Fowler, Richard Gabriel, Ricardo Lopez, Dave Thomas

Thursday, 10:30, 1 hour 30 minutes, Meeting Rooms 11-12

The Great J2EE vs. Microsoft .NET Shootout
Martin Fowler (Panel Chair), Don Box, John Crupi, Rob High, Anders Hejlsberg, Alan Knight

Thursday, 13:30, 1 hour 30 minutes, Ballroom C