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Chair: Torsten Layda, SWX Swiss Exchange

OOPSLA 2004 Posters cover the same interest areas as the Technical Papers, Practitioner Reports, and the Onward! program. The poster session is an informal and highly interactive environment that gives OOPSLA attendees the opportunity to engage with one another in discussions about relevant, ongoing work and critical issues in key areas. The session also gives conference attendees the chance to learn about work in areas with which they want to become familiar and about preliminary research results. Researchers and practitioners can describe their work-in-progress and elaborate on work presented in other conference forums. All OOPSLA participants can obtain rapid, low-cost introductions to interesting work and technologies in object-oriented software engineering. They can also provide input and feedback directly to the authors.

The Posters program begins with a special session at the Welcome Reception on Monday evening. All posters will be on display and the authors will be present to meet with attendees and discuss their work. Posters also enable interactions to occur throughout the conference. After the Welcome Reception, the posters will be displayed in the OOPSLA Courtyard, where OOPSLA participants can view them at their convenience. Poster authors will be available as time permits. The goal is to encourage small groups of individuals interested in a technical area to gather and interact.

Posters on Display at the Welcome Reception

Monday, 17:30, 2 hours, Welcome Reception

Posters on Display

Tuesday, 10:00, 7 hours, Courtyard

Posters on Display

Wednesday, 10:00, 7 hours, Courtyard

Posters on Display

Thursday, 10:00, 4 hours, Courtyard