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ACM SIGPLAN Student Research Competition

Chair: Torsten Layda, SWX Swiss Exchange

After its remarkable success in 2002 and 2003, OOPSLA is again hosting the ACM SIGPLAN Student Research Competition. The first round of evaluation will be held jointly with the OOPSLA Poster Session. The Student Research Competition shares the posters' goal of having students meet and interact with researchers so that both sides have the opportunity to learn of ongoing, current research. The Student Research Competition has the additional goal of helping students gain experience with formal presentations and evaluations.

Submissions have been reviewed by a committee and students have been chosen to participate in the competition. These students will discuss their work with competition judges (and conference attendees) during the regular Poster Session. The highly interactive Poster Session is used to evaluate the research on its quality, uniqueness, significance of the work, and the clarity of the presentation and the informal discussion. The semi-finalists chosen from this round of competition will present their research during a conference session. The ACM Student Research Competition winners will be recognized prior to the keynote speaker on the last day of the conference.

Student Research Presentations at the Welcome Reception

Monday, 17:30, 2 hours, Welcome Reception

Student Research Finalists Presentations

Tuesday, 15:30, 1 hour 30 minutes, Meeting Rooms 1-3

Student Research Award Presentation

Thursday, 8:30, 5 minutes, Ballroom A-B