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Technical Program

Chair: Douglas C. Schmidt, Vanderbilt University

This year's OOPSLA offers a distinguished and eclectic array of invited speakers. The keynote speaker is Rick Rashid, renowned operating systems researcher and head of Microsoft Research's worldwide operations. Joining Rick are Ward Cunningham, Wiki inventor and a leader in object-oriented technologies for three decades; Allan Vermeulen, Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of Web Services Engineering at Amazon; Steve McConnell, the author of Code Complete, Rapid Development, Software Project Survival Guide, and After the Gold Rush; and Herb Sutter, past Editor-in-Chief of C++ Report and chair of the ISO C++ Standards Committee. Jaron Lanier—computer scientist, composer, visual artist, author, and coiner of the term "virtual reality"—will deliver the keynote for this year's Onward! track. And Alan Kay, one of the founders of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and 2003 Turing Award winner, will address the Educators' Symposium.

OOPSLA's technical sessions are known not only for top-flight research papers (twenty-seven of them this year) but also for exciting panels that stir debate among leaders in the field, practitioner reports depicting real-world application of object technology, posters that cover early but promising work, and demonstrations where commercial as well as open-source products are displayed. Last but by no means least, Onward! presents technical and philosophical papers describing new paradigms in computing, new thinking about objects, new framings of computational problems and systems, and new technological frontiers.

Invited Speakers

Technical Papers
Douglas C. Schmidt (Chair)

Geoff A. Cohen (Chair)

Kyle Brown (Chair)

Practitioner Reports
Gail Harris (Chair)

Steve Metsker (Chair)