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Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications
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Invited Speakers

The Keynotes & Invited Speakers Track contains talks from speakers invited by the Conference Committee on new, different or otherwise interesting perspectives on topics of broad, general interest. In his opening OOPSLA Keynote talk, Richard Rashid will discuss how the development process is changing and how those changes will affect the way we think of programming over the next 10 years. Ward Cunningham will unravel his experience building tools for the not quite tangible. Steve McConnell's talk explores the software issues of yesterday and today and arrives at a few lasting truths about software development. Herb Sutter talks about the importance and viability of environments based on virtual machines and garbage collection, and demonstrates the challenges and rewards of evolving existing performance and hardware-oriented languages to operate seamlessly and with first-class status in modern virtual environments. The talk by Allan Vermeulen describes how developers are building stand-alone businesses as software vendors, web storefront aficionados, and online retail service providers. The Onward! Keynote, by Jaron Lanier, will present an overview of a variety of alien information technologies and to glean insights into how they might inform the future of human IT as well as what might be expected from future alien encounters.

OOPSLA Keynote—The Future of Programming
Richard F. Rashid

Tuesday, 8:30, 1 hour 30 minutes, Ballroom A-B

Objects, Patterns, Wiki and XP: All Systems of Names
Ward Cunningham

Tuesday, 13:30, 1 hour 30 minutes, Ballroom A-B

Code Complete 2: Realities of Modern Software Construction
Steve McConnell

Wednesday, 8:30, 1 hour 30 minutes, Ballroom A-B

Concrete Languages on Virtual Platforms
Herb Sutter

Wednesday, 13:30, 1 hour 30 minutes, Ballroom A-B

Inside Amazon Web Services
Allan Vermeulen

Thursday, 8:30, 1 hour 30 minutes, Ballroom A-B

Onward! Keynote—Exocomputing in the Year 2304: A Survey of Confirmed Alien Information Technologies
Jaron Lanier

Thursday, 13:30, 1 hour 30 minutes, Ballroom A-B