Student Research Competition
Chair: Dirk Siebert
After its remarkable success in the previous years, OOPSLA is hosting once more an ACM SIGPLAN Student Research Competition, sponsored by Microsoft.
The first round of evaluation will be held jointly with the OOPSLA PosterProgram Session. The ACM SIGPLAN Student Research Competition shares the Poster session's goal to facilitate students' interaction with researchers and to provide both sides with the opportunity to learn of ongoing, current research. Additionally, the Student Research Competition affords students with experience with both formal presentations and evaluations.
Interested students must submit a two-page abstract and a poster outline to this track, following the standard Poster Session guidelines.
Monday, 17:30, 2 hours, Terrace Pavilion and Poolside
Tuesday, 10:00, 7 hours, Terrace Pavillion
Wednesday, 10:00, 7 hours, Terrace Pavillion
Wednesday, 10:30, 1 hour 30 minutes, Royal Palm 1 and 2
Thursday, 8:30, 5 minutes, Golden West Room
Thursday, 10:00, 4 hours, Terrace Pavillion